About Us

Youth Opportunities Underlining Resilient Solutions (Y.O.U.R.S.) is the inspiration of a group of outstanding community leaders who have come together to help youth in inner cities reach their greatest potential.

As a collective, they have experienced harsh realities as youths that had a major impact on their lives. These experiences have taught them how important it is for Youth to have a solid foundation of various Opportunities: understand the impact of society and how underlining specific topics and issues will bring about change. Be Resilient in the face of challenges and seek out realistic Solutions for themselves and their fellow community members. 

Our objectives are designed to increase positive behavior in the urban community. We strive to engage youth and young adults in activities that provide a reduction of crime and teenage arrests through our Hip Hop Healing Summit workshops. Our partnerships also give our participants a chance to receive career development which can lead to employment opportunities. Supplying youth and young adults with the resources needed to function and advocate for themselves at a high level is our goal.

Y.O.U.R.S. serves youth and young adults ages 13 to 30 who are interested in making changes that will ultimately impact their community. Though our focus is on Central Harlem, New York City is a progressive, lively urban area with youth from all cultures and ethnic backgrounds. These youths & young adults have ambition, talent, and drive. However, opportunities are not easily accessible. Y.O.U.R.S. will aid our members in developing goals and attaining advancement.

Click on a photo below to learn more about our board members.