Youth Opportunities Underlining Resilient Solutions (Y.O.U.R.S.) is the inspiration of a group of outstanding community leaders who have come together to help youth in inner cities reach their greatest potential.

As a collective, they have experienced harsh realities as youths that had a major impact on their lives. These experiences have taught them how important it is for Youth to have a solid foundation of various Opportunities: understand the impact of society and how underlining specific topics and issues will bring about change. Be Resilient in the face of challenges and seek out realistic Solutions for themselves and their fellow community members.
Y.O.U.R.S. serves youth and young adults ages 13 to 30 who are interested in making changes that will ultimately impact their community. Though our focus is on Central Harlem, New York City is a progressive, lively urban area with youth from all cultures and ethnic backgrounds. These youths & young adults have ambition, talent, and drive. However, opportunities are not easily accessible. Y.O.U.R.S. will aid our members in developing goals and attaining advancement.
Click on a photo below to learn more about our board members.

Deacon Roland L. Smith Jr.

Basir W. Phillips

Maximilian Vital Mezetin

Quentin Mezetin

Eloyd Britt

Karmita Morgan-Randall, MPA

Elder Lorinda Moore-Sabb

Antonio “MoKnowledge” Carrington Bey

Felicia Gittens-Bey

Frank Blenman

CEO, President, & Founder
Deacon Roland L. Smith Jr.
Roland L. Smith Jr. is the founding President of Youth Opportunities Underlining Resilient Solutions (Y.O.U.R.S.), whose mission is to empower youths & young adults in urban communities through communication, education, and supportive services. (Y.O.U.R.S.). He also established Love Over Hate Ministries and Blackout entertainment.
Roland, the only son of devoted ministers, was raised with a foundation and understanding of religion and how it impacts people’s lives emotionally, mentally, and physically. His faith and fellowship have supported him throughout some incredibly challenging periods in his life. Roland realizes that all the challenges he has endured have made him more insistent on helping others. Roland began ministering in a park in Harlem near 117 Street and shared the gospel throughout New York City and upstate.
Roland’s faith encouraged him to seek a deeper understanding and relationship with God, and as a result, in December of 2001, he was ordained as Deacon at the First Emmanuel Church of Jesus Christ. Roland is deeply committed to helping youth impacted by domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health, gang affiliation, and violence. As a Deacon and as a manager, he has been instrumental in helping youth actualize their goals, whether it involves religious aspiration, career development, athletics, or the entertainment industry.
As a youth, Roland loved music and dancing. He was a Break-dancer who participated in local events, and he and his friend formulated a Rap group called RB&G (Red, Black, and Green Family), which produced the single Give Peace a Chance.
As a native New Yorker, Roland has family ties to St. Croix, Virgin Islands. Roland enjoys a happily married life with his wife. They are currently raising their three sons. Sadly, Roland and his wife lost a son in 2018. The loss was unexpected and impacted the family immensely. However, it has inspired him to spread his love for his sons to other youth in the community.
Roland and his family celebrate his son’s life and achievements annually at a memorial event. Roland’s other sons are talented musicians and athletes. He and his wife are actively supporting them in their careers.
Roland attended Samuel Gompers High School in the Bronx, NY, where he studied Carpentry. Roland owned A class 1st Transportation. He is an experienced Transportation Specialist who has worked with well-known businesses such as Transdev and the Veterans Hospitals in New York. Roland is currently the Shop President for Union1705 and ensures that all members receive union materials and representation in disputes.

Basir W. Phillips
Basir Phillips was born in Harlem and grew up in the Caribbean till age seven, and he moved to the Bronx, NY. Basir has a passion for changing the world for the better while improving the lives of ALKEBULAN(African) descendants in and outside America. Basir believes that finance is one area where ALKEBULAN descendants have fallen short due to discrimination globally.
Driven by his passion for empowering individuals, Basir started several companies dealing with finance, technology, and other related fields. In 2002, he became a nightclub owner in New York City and experienced police oppression and harassment as a black business owner for five years. While fighting for the right to do business as a black owner, Basir worked to level the playing field. When his company closed, Basir moved away from N.Y.C. to Atlanta, where black-owned companies were thriving. After two years, he moved back to N.Y. to raise his daughter and assist ALKEBULAN descendants in overcoming obstacles faced when operating businesses.
In 2019, Basir co-founded the Youth Opportunities Underlining Resilient Solutions (Y.O.U.R.S.) organization to improve and guide children and teens away from the streets, violence, and miseducation. Today, Basir continues to help black youth, men, and women become business owners. Basir graduated high school in the Bronx and attended the Borough of Manhattan Community College for computer science.

Board Member
Maximilian Vital Mezetin
Born in Brooklyn and raised in Queens, New York, Maximilian Mezetin (Mr. Max) is a highly motivated, creative, energetic Music educator and loving father of four. He serves as the Creative Education Director on the board of Y.O.U.R.S. Tri-State. Mr. Max plays the piano, sings, draws, composes music, writes plays & skits, performs, and teaches individuals of all ages who are hungry to learn and grow in the arts. He is the founder of Max Method Music and Arts, L.L.C. Mr. Max is publishing his first book, the Max Method Guide to Learning Piano, and accessories materials. Mr. Max is also the co-founder of Uniting People Performing & Inspiring Strong Kids & Youth (U.P.P.I.S.K.Y.), and the co-founder of Empowering Males Effectively for Readiness, Growth, & Excellence (E.M.E.R.G.E.)
Mr. Max has a lifetime of experience utilizing the arts to impact, inspire and educate others, from church to jails to community organizations like the Y.M.C.A. and mentorship programs. Mr. Max lives according to his Max Method principle: “Maximize Your Potential from Where You Are!” – the Max Method. Mr. Max has a Master of Arts in Education Curriculum & Instruction and a Bachelor of Arts in Music and Pre-Physical Therapy.

Board Member
Quentin Mezetin
Quentin Mezetin, “The Mind Investor,” is a motivational speaker & financial strategist. He is the founder of “I am D.A.D.,” providing strategic solutions to parents raising their children with autism and empowers parents with tools and support they can use to fight for their children’s independence.
The fight is real for Quentin as he grew up with the following quote in mind: “You don’t get what you want in life. You get from life what you are”. Quentin is a proud husband and father of five children and leads by example to display what a Black Family unit is and should be. He enjoys mentoring young men and adults to be the best version of themselves with three foundational pillars: Mindset, Wealth, and Health.
He believes your life sums up to two things, “what you create and what you allow.” – Dr. Cloud & John T. Quentin Mezetin have a drive like no other that aims to impact and serve families nationally. Thus, creating powerful platforms that promote progress like the I Am D.A.D. Initiative; and the community service collaborative efforts like Y.O.U.R.S. Tri-State.

Board Member
Eloyd Britt
Eloyd Britt, called Bro Britt, is a licensed and insured Home Improvement black business owner. This former drug and alcohol abuser takes his new life very seriously and knows he has been given a unique chance at it and feels compelled to pay it forward to youth and others. He has volunteered for multiple years for the MasterPeace program in Linden, N.J., where he mentored children from the ages of 7yrs old and up to young adults in their thirties. The program offered a place for youth to go on Friday and Saturday evenings and participate positively in recreation such as basketball games, video games, arts and crafts, and other events like a visit from the Nike Ambassador program.
At MasterPeace, Bro Britt initiated a neighborhood youth outreach program using the slogan “It’s not the tool. It’s the tool user”. He introduced individuals interested in learning how to use trade tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, and light electrical machines like drills, circular and sawzall saws (always adult-supervised). He also introduced them with fasteners like different types of nails, screws, nuts and bolts, and materials such as wood, metal, and plastic. In addition to guiding individuals regarding trade careers, Bro Britt helped youth with college and university inquiries, homework, social and personal issues.
Regardless of the problem, there are many different types of solutions. As his mother used to say, there is more than one way to solve a problem, and by learning what tools are and their availability, the solutions become endless. Bro Britt recently graduated from Mercer County Community College in West Windsor, New Jersey. He received a Civil Engineering Associate Degree and is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa honors society.

SVP, Corporate Development, Public Relations & Community Programs Initiatives
Karmita Morgan-Randall, MPA
Karmita Morgan-Randall is a native New Yorker known to her family, friends, and colleagues as a devoted wife, a loving mother of eight children, and a dedicated professional. Karmita’s life experiences, coupled with her work experience, have inspired a passion for helping those who cannot advocate for themselves.
Karmita is currently a Citywide Oversight Committee, Family Co-chair for the Coordinated Children’s Services Initiatives (CCSI) of New York City, where she represents the family voice for parents in all boroughs of NYC. She served as a Co-chair for the Manhattan Borough Based Council (MBBC) for over six years. The MBBC is a citywide forum to increase awareness and quality access to care for children and youth with mental and emotional health challenges. She is looking forward to being a Stakeholder in the System of Care Advisory Council, which will be instrumental in improving mental health services for youth and families. She has collaborated with various community partners to host annual mental health wellness events. She has developed a strong network of community support.
Personally, she and her husband have faced many challenges raising their eight children. Her eldest is 31 years old, and her youngest is 11. In 2011, their son was assaulted; due to the assault, her son was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and has symptoms Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This incident fueled Karmita’s passion for helping families find resources to navigate the mental health system.
Karmita is a member of JCCA’s Stakeholder Advisory Group, representing relevant community groups, consumers, parents, service providers, advocates, and others. She provides information and feedback to JCCA about services, outcomes, and the organization’s perception within the community. She also advises the Board of Trustees to help JCCA best serve their children and families. Karmita is a Surrogate Decision-Making Committee (SDMC) Member. The committee operates under the auspices of the New York State Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs. Karmita participates in medical hearings to support and advocate for treatment that meets the individual and family’s needs. Karmita is a facilitator for Radical Health, a Restorative Health Program which addresses substance use. She is currently certified to dispense Naloxone, a medication to treat opioid overdose. She is also certified in Mental Health First Aid.
Professionally, Karmita is an alumnus of MCNY (Metropolitan College of New York), where she holds a bachelor’s in human services and a master’s in public administration. She has a wealth of experience, which includes working with some well-known community-based organizations. She worked for Food First in Brooklyn, American Red Cross in Manhattan, KidsPeace and Abbott House in Westchester and Children’s Village in New York City, Jewish Child Care Association in the Bronx, and The Jewish Board in Manhattan. Karmita has held various professional roles throughout her career, including Assistant Director of Adoption Foster Care and Assistant Continuous Performance Improvement Director.
She offers referrals and links families with needed resources as a Family Consultant. Karmita and some other dedicated professionals developed a nonprofit named Youth Opportunities Underlining Resilient Solutions (YOURS). Karmita continues her efforts to make improvements in cross-system serving organizations as well as volunteering in her community. Karmita also enjoys traveling, attending family events, and writing poetry in her spare time. Karmita has published her first poetry e-book and shares her poetry on Facebook at

Vice-Chair, Faith Based Program Initiatives
Elder Lorinda Moore-Sabb
Lady Moore-Sabb., with 45 years of experience in the official world of work, she has been an advocate for youth from the very beginning. With an open heart she has managed to become Godmother to over 60 children. She has served as C.E.O. of a production company for over 20 years. She hosted at “Studio 8” in the famous Manhattan center, with the stars of yesterday such as the Persuaders, Blue Magic, Ray, Goodman and Brown, The Chilites, The Ladies of Skyy, The Legendary Intruders, and even managed to get cover songs for an unknown group called NYCE in regular rotation in (7) different states. Her T.V. shows included local guests as well as the now famous Bronx borough President formerly known as the “Hip Hop Councilman” Kurtis Blow, Grand Wizard Theodore, Grand Master Caz, The mighty Escorts, just to name a few. She has Co-hosted and hosted various cable television shows and Radio Shows as well as Satellite shows. She was show administrator for “The STMS Radio show for over 10 years and hosted along with Rob Onetime for the first Zulu Nation Anniversary at the Bronx Museum of Art. No stranger to Non Violence efforts she participated and provided entertainment with artists for the NYC’s 9th precinct for a number of years to enhance their (Night out Against Crime) and (Christmas Giveaway Concerts). She also held toy drives and was a founding board member of “United We Stand” in the role of Sponsorship coordinator and campaigned for the creation of the Hip-Hop Museum.
When High bridge Heights had the highest rate of H.I.V. in the country, she organized a spontaneous community meeting calling the City’s department of Health and the local politicians (The Fosters) to task, to see what contingency plan would be executed. She gathered in attendance many of the community’s infected residents only to find that numerous unannounced H.I.V. housing facilities had infiltrated the small area up the hill, Long term residents were being replaced with temporary residents that cared nothing for the community in which there was no Aids/H.I.V. education or prevention. A simplistic poet and dedicated College Professor, she has had her share of troubles and by the grace of God has made it this far. Today she is a proud founding Board Member of Y.O.U.R.S., and member of the Elder Board of Loring Place Holiness Church and Loving member at heart of First Emmanuel Church of Jesus Christ Pentecostal Inc. As a founding member of Y.O.U.R.S. her dedication is to assisting the youth of today with resources that will help them to be successful, equipped and resilient for all the tomorrows to come.

Street Team Leader, Youth Advocate
Antonio “MoKnowledge” Carrington Bey
Antonio ” Moknowledge” Carrington Bey is a New York native. He is currently a Street Team Leader and Youth Advocate at Youth Opportunities Underlining Resilient Solutions (Y.O.U.R.S.). In his role at Y.O.U.R.S, he spends his time conducting outreach and speaking to youth in hopes of deterring youth from making decisions that will hinder their success. He also volunteers as a videographer for Y.O.U.R.S. events.
Antonio is a family-oriented young man who is passionate about making changes in communities. He believes that change begins by engaging youth and helping them to understand that they have options in life. He believes that life choices lead to consequences, both positive and negative. He admits that his life has been challenging in the past based on some of the choices that he made as a teen. He acknowledges that in the past he was a perpetrator, involved in gang activities.
However, as a result of his actions he became a victim; being shot, losing mobility, becoming disabled, being arrested, and serving time. These experiences prompted him to reflect on life and many of the decisions that he made. He also readily admits that being in the street resulted not only in physical wounds but traumatic wounds that may take a lifetime to heal. Antonio was also aware of how the effect of his decisions impacted the ones that he loved. He knew that he wanted to be a role model for his family. It encouraged him to make a change for the better.
Currently, Antonio has taken action by being a support system to his family and community members. He empowers youth by sharing his story at speaking engagements and supporting community-based leaders and organizations. He is the owner of A1A productions where he creates videos and photography for family, friends, and upcoming artists. Videography has always been a great interest to him so he elected to master the skill through independent studies and learning experiences.
He enjoys documenting memories and capturing life events that will last a lifetime. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, listening to music, gaming, boxing, researching, and learning about cultural history.

Felicia Gittens-Bey
Felicia Gittens-Bey is a family-orientated individual, who is a dedicated, hardworking professional. She is a loving wife and a nurturing mother. She is detailed-orientated and very efficient. Motherhood had a major impact on her life and contributed to who she is as a parent, employee and a community organizer who advocates for youth.
Felicia attended John F. Kennedy High School in the Bronx and graduated with honors. After graduating she attended the Borough of Manhattan Community College where she studied Accounting. She graduated with an Associate Degree of Applied Science. She sought to further her education by attending Baruch College and studying Accounting.
Felicia has over twenty-five years of work experience in the field of Accounting. She has worked in several reputable firms such as Brooklyn Navy Yard, American Express and a host of reality and management firms.
Personally, she has experienced some challenging situations in her youth and adulthood, however she used those situations as life learning experiences which ultimately led her to make better decisions in her life for herself and her family.
As an organizer, she believes that recreational activities play a vital role in a child’s upbringing. She wants children and youth to be more active and realize that many of them do not have the support needed. She enjoys participating in and planning community activities. She encourages youth to participate in creative, artistic expressions as well as in family fun activities. Felicia also volunteers on her building community board and supports their efforts to unite the community and produce family-orientated events.
Currently, Felicia serves as a Treasurer at (Y.O.U.R.S.) Youth Opportunities Underlining Resilient Solutions, a 501c3 non-profit where she maintains the day-to-day finances. She also serves as a volunteer liaison at Y.O.U.R.S. She also spends her time and effort planning and participating in Y.O.U.R.S events.
In her spare time, Felicia enjoys spending time with her family, watching her favorite television programs, and supporting her daughter’ s dance group, listening to music as well as attending cultural events. She has a passion for jewelry and is an Independent Consultant with Paparazzi.