Y.O.U.R.S. Tri-State Peace Plan Initiatives Peace & Praise Gospel Concert Series

Youth Opportunities Underlanding Resilient Solutions is continuing our pathway to peace in our communities by providing a roadmap of our Peace Plan and continuing our Gospel Concert. We realize a call to action for peace is needed to stop community violence.  As we continue with our annual community & faith-based planning and collaborations our focus will be on our Peace Plan

Our Peace & Praise Concert Series is a unification of community members and faith members coming together to welcome each other, share testimonies, promote peace, and evoke praise through music.  Music leads us in healing, healing cures the hurt. Curing hurt people promotes peace. So join us and encourage all to meet us we are at for this free concert featuring Unlimited, Scott TroubleField & New Vision, Linda, & Angela and much more


Time: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Location: Church of Scientology, Harlem Community Center

220 East 125th Street, NY, NY 10026

Refreshments & Giveaways provided Jae-Mone’ Sweets